PADI Specialties
With these courses, you can choose to develop in different areas of diving. From travel needs to own personal interests to become a better diver. These are some of the ones you can choose with us:​
AWARE Sea Turtle Awareness
AWARE Shark Conservation
AWARE Whale Shark Awareness
AWARE Invasive Lionfish Tracker
AWARE Coral Reef Conservation
Project AWARE
Coral Health Coral Watch
Dive Against Debris
Emergency Oxygen Provider
Underwater Naturalist
Delayed Surface Marker Buoy
Full Face Mask Diver
Ocean Reef Integrated Diving Mask
Ocean Reef Underwater Communications
Sidemount Diver
Monkey Diver
Self Reliant
Adaptive Techniques
Total time: between 1-3 days, varies by course. Contact us for more information and to set up your custom dive training plan.
Prerequisites: minimum certification level varies by course most require an Open Water level or similar, minimum age requirements vary, but as for all dive courses good medical condition is required.
Total Price: Contact us for pricing.